
Notes from the seedy underbelly of a new runner.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snow, the demotivational running companion.

2/6/11-I ran 6.2 miles today in some freshly fallen snow. It sucked. There is nothing less motivating than running on a surface that not only insists on making running but life in general more difficult. Snow is sands retarded cousin

(those of you who have done it know how awesome and taxing a sand run can be). Snow feels alienated and isn't happy until it drags everyone else down with it. Some people enjoy snow...they're playing with fire (a distant but slightly less inconvenient cousin of snow. The main differences between the two being...1) fire's hot, and 2) if applied correctly fire can actually be useful). Every step I took in Snow was a desperate fight for mileage, my run was slowed to a lurch and my morale reduced to smoldering self loathing. If you are not yet convinced that Snow sux please consider the following scenarios:

                                  Face.                   Plant.


But most importantly...It's cold bitch!

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