
Notes from the seedy underbelly of a new runner.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Bum knee and bum computer.

Sorry it's been so long since I have posted anything. My knee has not gotten any better so I haven't been running. On top of that my computer took a shit. Now I post whenever I can get on my boyfriends comp. Unfortunately this means no more pretty pictures until I either get my computer fixed (I have already recovered it once) or muster up the courage to purchase a new one. I do get buyer's remorse very easily. At any rate I will attempt a run tomorrow, and I will try to be gentle ;)
Until next time kids!

Monday, February 21, 2011

A little somethin' somethin'

So here's why I haven't posted in a few days: My hip injury has healed only to give way to a painful knee injury that snuck up on me. I hate using pain as an excuse not to do things but from what I am experiencing, the more you run on an injury before it is somewhat or entirely healed the worse it gets. I have been icing the knee and staying mobile without stressing it. I am almost back to normal, and don't worry, there will be pictures...pretty pretty pictures.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

running like there's a stick up my a**

2/15/2011-Ran 4 miles. I had to cut down the mileage because of the hip but it's feeling much better. After three miles my gait degenerates in to a weird hobble. Because of the slightly limited mobility in my hip I run/walk with a strange forward thrust in my hips that makes it look like...just refer to the title of this post. I'd illustrate it like I have been with other posts but I think most people reading this have an active enough imagination that I really don't need to (you sick f%^@'s). At ant rate, it's late and I need to sleep.
Happy running (or whatever it is you do that brings you the utmost joy at no one's expense)!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My first long run.

2/12/2011- I went on my first long run (10.1 mi). I was mentally prepared. But my left hip wasn't. The first seven miles were great. I had a nice steady pace (steady is the key here, not fast) and my body felt springy and youthful. Then at mile seven I started to feel a little pinch in my left hip joint. Half a mile later it turned in to a sharp pinch. And a mile after that every step I took on my left leg resulted in a moderately intense soreness. My leg stiffened and I spent the last mile jogging with an awkward hobble.
     I tried just walking but my leg would get stiffer and more painful (I think partially due to the cold) so I kept up the pace and kept the blood pumping. By the time I got home I was a big baby. I whined at my boyfriend to take my shoes of for me b/c I couldn't really bend down that far. I iced my hip immediately and took some ibuprofen later that night to reduce the swelling if there was any. This morning I awoke and the hip was feeling a little better. I'm still icing it and hoping this isn't something chronic and degenerative. I love to run, and I have only been doing it since December. I haven't had my fill of it yet. I don't want it to be over.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Next day pain.

2/7/11-Recovery day and uber calves. Dear sweet-barbecue-sauce-jeezus! I hurt. My legs are sore and feel like they are made of brittle rubber. If I move too much too fast they'll snap off.
My snow run yesterday had done more damage than I thought. Not only am I sore but my calves are BULGING! They are rock hard bulging testaments of manliness. I want them to stop. I'm not a man.
     And they no longer match the rest of my body which is normally soft maybe even gelatinous to the touch. I don't know how to get rid of them and before you ask, yes, I did stretch before AND after running. I have also kept myself well hydrated. Other than that I have only been able to come up with the following solutions:

Home Surgery

 Popping them (maybe they're just blisters)

Smothering them in honey and letting the wildlife take care of it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

While we're here...

Let's put the brakes on for a minute. The first thing I should have done when I set up this blog was to introduce myself and let you know why I'm doing this. I live in the Midwest (Wisconsin), I love cheese, pizza, couches, cats and movies...a little too much. But I also love running. I'm new to it. And though I bitch and moan a lot in my posts it is all done with a grain of salt. I want to let other people just starting out know that they aren't the only ones who have bad days and bad experiences while out running. And if you do, there's noting wrong with venting...
      I have a wonderful support system of friends and family that have encouraged me to continue running. I have an awesome boyfriend that listens to me when I complain about shin splints, evil motorists and the over-enthusiastic dogs I encounter on my runs. I have running friends new and old in Tulsa, OK (where I grew up) who told me I could do it, I can run...they pretty much sealed the deal and got me hooked (thank you Stormy and Ken). I have my parents and my brother, the most amazing people in the world...and many more! Without these people in my life I would have started, but never continued. So enjoy my posts and never take yourself too seriously (or I will hunt you down).

Snow, the demotivational running companion.

2/6/11-I ran 6.2 miles today in some freshly fallen snow. It sucked. There is nothing less motivating than running on a surface that not only insists on making running but life in general more difficult. Snow is sands retarded cousin

(those of you who have done it know how awesome and taxing a sand run can be). Snow feels alienated and isn't happy until it drags everyone else down with it. Some people enjoy snow...they're playing with fire (a distant but slightly less inconvenient cousin of snow. The main differences between the two being...1) fire's hot, and 2) if applied correctly fire can actually be useful). Every step I took in Snow was a desperate fight for mileage, my run was slowed to a lurch and my morale reduced to smoldering self loathing. If you are not yet convinced that Snow sux please consider the following scenarios:

                                  Face.                   Plant.


But most importantly...It's cold bitch!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lies. All lies!

2/4/11-I ran 6.8 miles today and I felt supa dupa, but I also think the pedometer I have been using hasn't been very upfront with me. It's like a friend who likes you too much to be completely honest with they tell you what you want to hear.
They mean well but they aren't really helping (I geuss constructive criticism requires so many calories that your body starts to eat itself). My Pedometer is like that too...I think.
Pedometer sir, I call shenanigans. And why the hell do you have an eastern European accent?...because it's sexy...that's why.*

*I personify my belongings. It makes me feel like my materialism is justified. "No that's not a new iPod, it's a new motivational friend dammit!"