
Notes from the seedy underbelly of a new runner.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Keeping up with the seasonal allergies/head colds.

Helloooooo. Just for the record I did run this week...another 12miler on Tuesday. I was able to shave a whole 30 minutes off my time!!!! Almost every long run I have done has been on a day where I either feel like shit or just meh. On this day I felt great and was gonna do a quick three mile tempo run. but as I approached my turn around I thought 'I feel so good it would be ashamed if I didn't take advantage of it'. So I did.
     It's amazing how your mood and a slight increase in your overall health can amount to a 30 minute difference. now my next step is to make this awesome feeling a more regular occurrence. I do believe it has something to do with my diet (duh), which has been less than that was Tuesday. Fast forward to Friday. Head cold and seasonal allergy time! YAY! (except not). I didn't run today. I felt like my head had blown up to the size of a hot air balloon. I just kind of floated through life not really caring for my existence or the existence of others. The world was a pretty mish mosh of sound and color that just blended together. Who needs LSD when pollen and dander are free. I plan on resuming training tomorrow (I also believe plans are made to be broken). But I have aspirations at least    : P

Peace and chicken grease! Or for you mofo's out there trying to bring other people down...May you experience endless war and rancid poultry byproducts that land your ass in the hospital for a very long and expensive time.


Saturday, April 9, 2011


Ran 7.5 miles shorts. The weather was nice and warm and there were plenty of people out and about. There were also many dogs who were piddling around...please keep them leashed if they do not always stay by your side. I know you say "aww he's a lover! He won't hurt you!" but since I don't speak dog I really don't know what his noises and body language mean. And NO! I will not take your word for it. Did I mention that I got to run in shorts today?

Back on track...and shedding the winter wardrobe.

Hello fellow runners and fellow couch potatoes! I've got some good news and some gooder news. The good news is that life is now somewhat back on track. I have recovered from whatever respiratory shenanigans that ailed me, with the added benefit of all my joints magically healing from not doing any running for two and a half weeks. I did ease back in to the swing of things by starting out with some leisurely 3 milers, but with my first half marathon looming in the near future I had to up the anti the last couple of weeks. I did a few 7 mile runs and have worked my way back up to 10-12 mile long runs! Excited I be. We'll see what this weekend brings. I'm still running at a slow pace but right now I am just happy to even complete a long run unscathed.
     Now for the gooder news...SPRING! The snow has melted and the weather has warmed up to the point that I no longer need to spend 30 minutes putting on ten layers of clothes and sliding in to "technical gear" that's supposed to keep me warm while leaving me relatively unencumbered. I suppose it works but I'm not quite sold on the idea. I think Underarmor not only wicks away sweat but also the cash in your bank account...and even your soul. But I really should be focusing on the good! SPRING! It's cool enough that your body won't overheat during a run, but warm enough that you can wear more comfortable clothing (yay for shorts and t-shirts). But be forewarned, there are many a hibernating winter dog turd that irresponsible pet owners have refused to clean up laying in wait on pedestrian sidewalks and trails. I thought I said I was gonna focus on all the good I'll make good on that. One piece of winter clothing I won't miss is my balaklava

Nothing says "I want to mug you while keeping my face warm" like a balaklava. Also known as a 'ski mask'.

     Yay for not looking like a repeat felon! I know running isn't about making a fashion statement, but it hurts your feelings when parents clutch their children close to their sides as you pass them by. OK so it doesn't really hurt my feelings, in fact I consider it a boon. Another good thing about spring is that you get to see a lot more runners out and about, suddenly the world gets less lonely. And finally, the most wonderful thing about spring is the scenery. Green things will be sprouting soon, and the world will get a whole lot prettier.
Well runners and non-runners, I'm gonna go to bed, but remember this...

I'm watching you.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Long time no talk!

Hi there fellow bipeds. Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I live in Wisconsin and if you haven't heard, there are a lot of things going on that affect the lives of many people. Sometimes events that are greater than ourselves happen and not only do you get distracted, but you also see the futility of sharing things about yourself. When large social issues are staring you in the face (especially ones that bifurcate the place we plant our flags and call home) it becomes very hard to justify talking about ourselves and our experiences. Not unless they directly pertain to the oh-so-large-and-looming-social issue. This is after all, a blog about my experiences running. Running seems to be a trivial topic when compared to a governor passing state legislation that leaves a bad taste in the mouths of some and sweet victory on the tender buds of others. 
     Then Japan happened. And I got to see the world join forces to help a nation in need. And around that time the situation in Libya escalated as well. With so much fighting and tear jerking unification going on around me, what was there for me to say? "Yes, I ran last Wednesday...but did you see that village swept in to the ocean?" "Of course I ran on Saturday. But did you see those rebel fighters risking their lives for that often elusive greater cause?"
     You know what kills me about the whole thing though? It wasn't until just now that I realized I had all these epiphanies from the comfort of my own a heated living a quiet, peaceful neighborhood. I only pray that taking things for granted isn't becoming the new pastime.  

Happy trails and for god sake keep running you crazy fools!